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left: Unidentified woman, probably on the campus of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. Top right: Juanita Neff Hellmers and Milton Hellmers with three unidentified people. May be when Milton Hellmers was a delegate to a convention of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in St. Louis. (See page 51.) Bottom left: Unidentified man, probably on the campus of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. Bottom right: Unidentified building. Note: The last ___ pages of the Hellmers album have ___ pictures taekn by others while traveling. They have not been included in this digital version of the album. A larger file of this page can be viewed or downloaded here. After viewing, use back button to return to this page. |
This is the last scanned page of the album. |
to opening album page |