Historical Maps
and Panoramas
of New Orleans

     Links to a variety of maps, panoramas, and
     other useful websites on the streets, wards, and
     geographic features of New Orleans, Louisiana.
1860 Mitchell Map of New Orleans

Maps from a variety of sources
that are easy to use and download:
     1856, 1860, 1867, 1869, 1873, 1878, 1891, 1908

Maps from the Library of Congress and the U.of Alabama
that can be viewed (and some saved):
     1815, 1845, 1860, 1878, 1884, 1898, 1901, 1908, 1912

Maps from the David Rumsey Collection
that can be viewed and exported (saved) in the JPG format:
     1838, 1856, 1890, 1897

Robinson's 1883 Atlas of the City of New Orleans, Louisiana
Thirty color-coded maps show numbered blocks, individual lots, pre-1893/1894 addresses, buildings, and landmarks. An introduction is here.

          Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (aka Sanborn Maps)
          from the Library of Congress Map Collections
          and the New Orleans Public Library

Panoramas of New Orleans from the Library of Congress
that can be viewed and saved:
     1851, 1863, 1885

Links to useful street and ward finding aids,
such as street name and number changes
and other useful information

Other map websites
A collection of links to map websites of all kinds

Last updated
February 2024

Norman Hellmers

            To contact with comments or suggestions, send email to:
            norm.hellmers   @   gmail.com

You are welcome to copy any of this website for your personal use. Norman D. Hellmers